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        On Friday April 27th, 2012, Alcoa Cleveland Works observed UAW Workers Memorial Day. Across the Plant, pre-shift meetings read the names and incidences of UAW job related fatalities, followed by a moment of silence. At 11:00am, a flag changing ceremony was conducted by the UAW Local 1050 Veterans Committee. Location Manager Mike Kinney and EHS Vice Chairman Dan Leatherman addressed the gathering. After the Gate #5 ceremony, the flags at the Union Hall were changed also.


The Veteran's Committee Flag Detail, L to R: Rick Belknap, John Kenny, Ralph Cook, John Balis, Jesse Deel







L to R:Veterans Cmte. Chair Jesse Deel, Local 1050 President Chris Marotta, EHS Vice Chair Dan Leatherman.

                                                                      Photos by Tim Yody