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   UAW Local Union Press Association Communications Conference


Photos by Tim Yody Sr. and Dan Dombek

      For the week of June 24, 2012, UAW Local 1050 sent members Dan Dombek and Tim Yody to the UAW LUPA Conference at the Walter and May Reuther Family Education Center at Black Lake in Northern Michigan. It was an intense week of training on UAW communications and political activism.


Above: UAW Local 1050 LUPA delegate Dan Dombek (left) discusses local issues with guest speaker UAW Secretary Treasurer Dennis Williams (right).

Left: UAW Local 1050 delegate Tim Yody accepts awards for the Local 1050 website: General Excellence-3rd place and Best Original article- 3rd place. The article award was in recognition of  UAW Local 1050's Dan Leatherman's article titled: "Sugar Free".


Right: UAW Local 1050 delegate Dan Dombek at the "Luau" luncheon at Black Lake.

Below: The latest additions to the UAW Memorial Walk at Black Lake.

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