Help with PDF Files, or ".pdf"                   Home

Some of our web pages are in what is called "PDF format". PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is identified with a "pdf" on the links that you click on. Its like any other program (like Microsoft "Word")  that your computer needs in order to display .pdf documents/web pages. The inventor of PDF- Adobe Systems, has a free download so the public can use it to view .pdf files on your computer. Adobe is an ISO registered standard, ISO32000, recognized by the International Organization of Standardization.

How to Download Adobe Reader X

  • Close all programs on your computer, except for your web browser.
  • go to
  • Click on the big red Adobe Icon in the middle of the page
  • UNCHECK THE "INCLUDE IN YOUR DOWNLOAD" box so the box is not checked, otherwise you'll get a Google toolbar on your browser. This is checked by default, you must click it to "unselect" it. I hate these toolbars.
  • read the software licensing agreement, if you agree...
  • Click Download Now
  • The download takes about  4-5 minutes...
  • You will be prompted to restart your computer, this will allow your computer to boot up using Adobe Reader.

I downloaded this program in order to write these instructions. You may get an "I accept" message upon your first .pdf opening, this is normal. Accept if you want Adobe Reader X.

You will get some spams from Adobe asking you to upgrade, or adding players and such from time to time. I ignore them by clicking "Don't Install", or clicking the "close" box in the upper right corner of the message box. This is the downside of using  free software, you will be solicited by Adobe, but Adobe is  necessary because I get so many web site postings that require it. Ignore these offers.

Printing forms

Adobe has a toolbar that opens when you are running Adobe software on documents that are .pdf pages. You can print individual pages from a document using the "copier" icon. It may take a few tries, but I got it to print the page I wanted. Please contact me if you have questions:


 UAW Local 1050 doesn't guarantee, or endorse the material provided on the links hereon. This page is provided as a reference for the user to explore helpful insight in the material presented.